Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics by IIT toppers and the best faculty of national repute.

Physics Books for JEE Advanced

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.1 (Mechanics - 1)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.2 (Mechanics - 2)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.3 (Waves and Thermodynamics)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.4 (Electrostatics and Current Electricity)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.5 (Magnetism and EMI)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Advanced Learning Physics Vol.6 (Optics and Modern Physics)

For JEE Advanced

By Pradeep Agarwal

Buy books that cover all chapters topics for JEE Advanced Preparation

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    Pradeep Agarwal

    ( B. Tech from IIT Kanpur )

    Pradeep Agarwal, an illustrious IIT Kanpur graduate (1983-87), holds a distinct position among IIT JEE toppers and is the author of a comprehensive six-volume Physics series for JEE Advanced.

    His academic distinctions encompass:

    • The prestigious NTSE Scholarship.
    • Top rank in the National Mathematics Olympiad.
    • A coveted award from the Ramanujan Society of Born Mathematicians.
    about Us

    Advanced Learning Physics for JEE Advanced

    Advanced Learning Physics books for JEE Advanced preparation in six volumes are comprehensive textbooks that help and guide students preparing for JEE Advanced and are unique in their approach.

    “Advanced Learning Physics for JEE Advanced” in 6 volumes by Pradeep Agarwal are popular books for the preparation of JEE Advanced, one of the toughest exams in India. Pradeep Agarwal was awarded the NTSE Scholarship, topped the National Mathematics Olympiad, and received the prestigious award from the Ramanujan Society of Born Mathematicians.

    The books are designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the “Concepts of Physics” and covers all the topics in the JEE syllabus. They include a large number of solved problems and practice questions, as well as detailed explanations of key concepts and principles. The books also include a variety of question types, such as multiple choice and numerical problems, which are similar to those that appear in the JEE Advanced exam.

    These are the best books for JEE Advanced physics preparation and are highly recommended by many students and teachers alike.

    Observations on the shortcomings in the most popular books

    • Theory not presented in pointwise manner which makes it time consuming for the student to understand.
    • Concepts not immediately supported by Illustrations.
    • Not many solved examples given at the end of chapter.
    • Solved examples not arranged in sequential manner
    • Solved examples not arranged in the order of difficulty
    • Lengthy solutions provided to some solved examples
    • Alternate approach to solved examples not provided
    • Exercise not arranged sequentially
    • Exercise not arranged in the order of difficulty
    • Solutions to all problems not given
    • Many solutions are lengthy though faster method can be applied

    Why is it difficult for the Authors to take care of these shortcomings

    • The overall quantum of work required in writing books for JEE Advanced is enormous and manifold higher compared to writing books for any other exam.
    • A lot of research goes in ensuring the accuracy of solution of problems of very high order of difficulty.
    • Many new questions and that too of very high difficulty level have to be created and their solutions have to worked out multiple times to ensure no error in calculation.
    • To arrange all questions in a sequence is a herculean task.

    My inspiration to Write books

    • The study of physics has been my heart’s calling and passion, which inspired me to write a physics book for JEE.
    • After a decade of working in corporate sector and reading the available popular books on Physics for competitive exams especially JEE Advanced, I felt the need for better treatment of Topics covered in the syllabus.

    My journey to Write 6 Volumes of Physics for JEE Advanced

    • With growing competition, I undertook Research in Physics to present complex topics in an easy and efficient way.
    • I have now, over 20 years of experience teaching for JEE Advanced and other competitive exams.
    • With help of my teaching methodology, my own children and my many other students cracked JEE Advanced with good ranks.
    • It took me 10 years of painstaking effort to assimilate best techniques (hacks) that are captured in the 6 VoIumes.
    • I have focused on Applied knowledge of Physics by giving special treatment to all Topics required for JEE Mains and Advanced and also prepared Examples | Exercises (Questions & Tests) that help students hone their skills to Ace JEE Advanced.
    • I have thoroughly enjoyed completing the 6th Book and given comprehensive coverage to all Topics with solutions to problems using the best possible approach.
    • I wish to now empower readers of my 6 Volumes with deep understanding of each topic and develop skills in attempting JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.
    • To boost confidence of Students, I have created sections called Important Tips and graded exercises.
    • My intent is to help students find all knowledge in 6 Volumes, not having to search for study material elsewhere.
    • While shaping these books, I have maintained focus on Fast and Accurate application of Concepts of Physics to make Students develop skills to attempt maximum questions in JEE Advanced in allotted time and secure their desired dream of a High Rank.
    • The examples and exercises have been graded (medium to high) difficulty and the solutions are presented using a better approach.
    • This will allow students to be determined to set new standards and benchmarks while competing and qualifying for High Ranks.

    Highlights of 6 Volumes of Physics for JEE Advanced

    • Comprehensive syllabus covered in 6 Volumes prepares students for JEE Mains, JEE Advanced and for other Top Engineering Colleges.
    • Studying from these books makes students conceptually strong
    • Unique treatment to each topic is reflective of deep study and 10 years research in the preparation of these books.
    • Complete and sufficient in itself, makes one self-confident in Physics
    • Helps students develop creative thinking and an analytical mind by giving quick methods for advanced problem solving
    • Focus on sound and alternative approaches to solve problems with Speed & Accuracy.

    “I'm a JEE 2023 aspirant and have been studying from this book series for a few months. This book has a vast number of solved examples as well as all the questions have solutions too. For each chapter there are atleast 300-400 questions and even more for heavier chapters like rotation, etc,. This is a very good book for JEE and also has amazing theory. “


    “This book pretty much covers what the other popular books cover and then there is more e.g. numerous solved examples, the gradual increase in complexity level of problems (including numerous MCQs), variety of problems, tips and tricks to solve problems in multiple ways and then there are detailed solutions to all unsolved problems!“


    “This is a very good book for JEE and also has amazing theory. The questions are divided into level - 1 and level-2 based on the difficulty level and has single correct, multi-correct, matrix match as well as paragraph questions.“


    “Variety and variety..Very much impressed.. almost all aspirants cracked almost every question of jee after doing this book.“

    -Himanshu Tayal

    “The book is complete in itself in a way that you dont have to look at other books for SMCQ, MMCQ, para based questions, Numerical questions and solved questions of last 15 years on a per-chapter basis. Besides there are more than enough solved examples/illustrations to help build the concept - go for it before it becomes unavailable again.“


    “Excellent books.. detailed concepts provided along with practice question for JEE“

    -Raviprakash Prajapati